My heart thoughts, Be blessed!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Dance Like David!
I'll dance like David before the Lord!!! For my redeemer lives and shall
deliver me from all my trials!!!! David didn't care who saw him dancing,
for he was so caught up in the Spirit of the True and Living God. You
see David knew he needed deliverance and let no one & nothing hinder his praise!!!! Some of us water down our praise and worship
mostly because of what we think others will say and because we feel like
we are unworthy (which is true), but Jesus paved the way for us to
confess our sins (2 Chronicles 7:14) so that the Blood of the Lamb could
clean us up to be in the presence of the Father like David was!!!!! Yes, I
stumble and I go through but I refuse to let anything or anyone stop me
from praising God, for my safety is with Him only!!!
My heart thoughts, Be blessed!
My heart thoughts, Be blessed!
praise and worship
Monday, March 12, 2012
Ecclesiastes 7:8
"Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit." Ecclesiastes 7:8
Throughout our lives we were faced with some difficult moments that we thought we couldn't conquer, but look back at the trials that God brought you through!!!! The last paragraph of those moments gave you life and a new beginning!!!! Only the power of God can do this!! Don't be weary in well doing; God holds the righteous in His right hand!!! Jesus paid the price! He who started a good work in you is capable of finishing it!!! Be blessed!
Throughout our lives we were faced with some difficult moments that we thought we couldn't conquer, but look back at the trials that God brought you through!!!! The last paragraph of those moments gave you life and a new beginning!!!! Only the power of God can do this!! Don't be weary in well doing; God holds the righteous in His right hand!!! Jesus paid the price! He who started a good work in you is capable of finishing it!!! Be blessed!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Matthew 5:8
"Blessed are the pure in heart for they
shall see God." Matthew 5:8
All to often we forget what we mean to God, our Father, and we allow the worries of this world to knock us off track. But we are conquerors through Jesus Christ!!!! The book of Proverbs clearly shows that the righteous will be upheld and the wicked shall perish. We (Saints of God) are always covered by the Blood of the Lamb!!! So let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus!!!! Let nothing separate us from the love of God and we will stay sealed unto that day!!!! Let the love of God flow through you to all even when it hurts!!!!! Be blessed!
All to often we forget what we mean to God, our Father, and we allow the worries of this world to knock us off track. But we are conquerors through Jesus Christ!!!! The book of Proverbs clearly shows that the righteous will be upheld and the wicked shall perish. We (Saints of God) are always covered by the Blood of the Lamb!!! So let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus!!!! Let nothing separate us from the love of God and we will stay sealed unto that day!!!! Let the love of God flow through you to all even when it hurts!!!!! Be blessed!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Philippians 2:13
it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good
pleasure" Philippians 2:13
We were all created for his (God's) good pleasure which means that there is good in everyone of us for God doesn't create anything bad. It only turns bad because of the bad desires to do our own will!!! So today as a corporate body let's hold steadfast to our faith in Jesus Christ, for all things shall be revealed!! And this in race that we are in, God is the trainer; all that is needed He will provide! For He that started a good work in you is capable of finishing it!!!! Be blessed!
We were all created for his (God's) good pleasure which means that there is good in everyone of us for God doesn't create anything bad. It only turns bad because of the bad desires to do our own will!!! So today as a corporate body let's hold steadfast to our faith in Jesus Christ, for all things shall be revealed!! And this in race that we are in, God is the trainer; all that is needed He will provide! For He that started a good work in you is capable of finishing it!!!! Be blessed!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
1 Peter 4:10
"As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." 1 Peter 4:10
We all, once coming into the knowledge of God, have received spiritual gifts, revelations, and blessings from God. We face many obstacles that stagnate us for a while but the pressing of our faith brings us into another level in God! Understand that this is a gift from God so that you could come out (of impossible situations) pure as gold and then God will receive the glory for your life changing experience and in this is the fruit that helps somebody else!!!! It's never about you but always the mission!!!!! But the most powerful gift that God has given us is the true gift of Love!!!! Let it flow through you to to someone else!!!! Unconditionally!!!!! That means even when it hurts!!!!!!! Jesus is Love!!! Be blessed!
We all, once coming into the knowledge of God, have received spiritual gifts, revelations, and blessings from God. We face many obstacles that stagnate us for a while but the pressing of our faith brings us into another level in God! Understand that this is a gift from God so that you could come out (of impossible situations) pure as gold and then God will receive the glory for your life changing experience and in this is the fruit that helps somebody else!!!! It's never about you but always the mission!!!!! But the most powerful gift that God has given us is the true gift of Love!!!! Let it flow through you to to someone else!!!! Unconditionally!!!!! That means even when it hurts!!!!!!! Jesus is Love!!! Be blessed!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Philippians 1:21
"For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21
Living a sinful life means that you are spiritually dying, but living in Christ is True Life!!!!! I remember when I was dying but now my life belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ; life is more abundantly presented to me!! But the day we die physically and see the Son of God is much gain!!! Presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and set apart, is keeping God's Commandments and statutes and it will keep us sealed unto that day. Let nothing separate us from the love of God!!! Our soul is more important than anything or anybody!!! Be Blessed!!
Living a sinful life means that you are spiritually dying, but living in Christ is True Life!!!!! I remember when I was dying but now my life belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ; life is more abundantly presented to me!! But the day we die physically and see the Son of God is much gain!!! Presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and set apart, is keeping God's Commandments and statutes and it will keep us sealed unto that day. Let nothing separate us from the love of God!!! Our soul is more important than anything or anybody!!! Be Blessed!!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Romans 13:13-14
"Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness,
not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof." ~ Romans 13:13-14
The word of God says that we should love our neighbors as we love ourselves!In fullness! We should be Holy for our Lord and Savior is holy! We must present our bodies as a holy sanctuary ,holy and set apart from the darkness of this world, shining a light so bright that it will draw all men to Christ!!! In order to do that we must put on the whole armour of God (the word Jesus) pick up our cross daily and deny ourselves!!!! Behold all things are made new!!! Be blessed!
The word of God says that we should love our neighbors as we love ourselves!In fullness! We should be Holy for our Lord and Savior is holy! We must present our bodies as a holy sanctuary ,holy and set apart from the darkness of this world, shining a light so bright that it will draw all men to Christ!!! In order to do that we must put on the whole armour of God (the word Jesus) pick up our cross daily and deny ourselves!!!! Behold all things are made new!!! Be blessed!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Hebrews 10:38
Now the just shall walk by faith: but if any man draw back, My soul
shall have no pleasure in him". ~ Hebrews 10:38
Wow! We must believe in the promises of God rather than the things of this world that are just distractions of the enemy to make us think that God has abandoned or doesn't hear us!! Come out of those emotions; they will land you in some desolated places!! God will prepare us through mediation with Him. Rebuke and bind the minor afflictions that we face for God's Word promised us that the righteous will never be forsaken! But we must hold steadfast to His will and rely on the power source (Jesus alone)! Every blow that hits you, count it all joy! Don't forsake or frustrate the grace of God! For its better to fall in the hands of God than in the hands of man!!!!! Be blessed!
Wow! We must believe in the promises of God rather than the things of this world that are just distractions of the enemy to make us think that God has abandoned or doesn't hear us!! Come out of those emotions; they will land you in some desolated places!! God will prepare us through mediation with Him. Rebuke and bind the minor afflictions that we face for God's Word promised us that the righteous will never be forsaken! But we must hold steadfast to His will and rely on the power source (Jesus alone)! Every blow that hits you, count it all joy! Don't forsake or frustrate the grace of God! For its better to fall in the hands of God than in the hands of man!!!!! Be blessed!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Proverbs 3:5-6
in the Lord with all your heart. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He
shall direct your path." Proverbs 3:5-6
On this journey of life we find ourselves in situations where we feel hopeless or don't understand it but know that if God brought us to it He will bring us through it! Although we don't understand the plan, God has a purpose for our lives! We just have to lean to Him and acknowledge Him for our insight; for its better to be blind folded and led by God (Faith) than to be in control and tear things up! For our ways and thoughts are not as God's. God knows what's best for us so when you can't or don't feel God in your situations just trust God's heart, for He is mighty in all battles!!!! Be blessed!
On this journey of life we find ourselves in situations where we feel hopeless or don't understand it but know that if God brought us to it He will bring us through it! Although we don't understand the plan, God has a purpose for our lives! We just have to lean to Him and acknowledge Him for our insight; for its better to be blind folded and led by God (Faith) than to be in control and tear things up! For our ways and thoughts are not as God's. God knows what's best for us so when you can't or don't feel God in your situations just trust God's heart, for He is mighty in all battles!!!! Be blessed!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Psalm 20:4
"Grant thee according to thine own heart, and fulfill all thy
counsel." ~ Psalm 20:4
Now this is a conversion of your will to the Fathers will!! At one point we may have found ourselves praying immaturely (selfish desires) but the more we yielded ourselves to God, our prayers changed. We began to see and want according to His will. Wow!! Such a great feeling all over me to know that my heart beats with Jesus and all I want is what He wants for me and everyone else!! This is why the Word says seek first the kingdom of God and all other things shall be added unto you!!! Our hearts have to change and submitting to the Will of God and keeping our eyes on Jesus Christ helps us to understand that Great Love of what He did on the Cross!!! Only this will assure us that He will hear us and give us the desires of our hearts!!! Conversion must take place!!!!!! Be blessed
Now this is a conversion of your will to the Fathers will!! At one point we may have found ourselves praying immaturely (selfish desires) but the more we yielded ourselves to God, our prayers changed. We began to see and want according to His will. Wow!! Such a great feeling all over me to know that my heart beats with Jesus and all I want is what He wants for me and everyone else!! This is why the Word says seek first the kingdom of God and all other things shall be added unto you!!! Our hearts have to change and submitting to the Will of God and keeping our eyes on Jesus Christ helps us to understand that Great Love of what He did on the Cross!!! Only this will assure us that He will hear us and give us the desires of our hearts!!! Conversion must take place!!!!!! Be blessed
Monday, February 27, 2012
John 14:12
"Verily, verily I say unto you, He that believeth on Me, the works
that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he
do; because I go unto My Father." ~ John 14:12
We were given the power to tread over the enemy through the finished work of the Cross of Christ. Love conquers all and it is love that changes people, circumstances, atmospheres, salvation, etc... Because love was nailed to the Cross for our victories!!!! We are conquers and in order to walk in authority we must surrender our all (will) to the power source (Jesus )!!! We must Receive (the promises), Believe (Tie a knot our faith), and Continue (steadfast holding and keeping God's commandments). In order to receive the promises of God, we have to do something we wouldn't normally do!!!! Be blessed!!!
We were given the power to tread over the enemy through the finished work of the Cross of Christ. Love conquers all and it is love that changes people, circumstances, atmospheres, salvation, etc... Because love was nailed to the Cross for our victories!!!! We are conquers and in order to walk in authority we must surrender our all (will) to the power source (Jesus )!!! We must Receive (the promises), Believe (Tie a knot our faith), and Continue (steadfast holding and keeping God's commandments). In order to receive the promises of God, we have to do something we wouldn't normally do!!!! Be blessed!!!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Deuteronomy 10:17
"For the Lord your God is God
of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome who shows
no partiality nor takes a bribe." ~ Deuteronomy 10:17
The Lord is the Creator of everything; He holds all power in His hand! So many times we get tripped up with the temporary afflictions that are but for a moment and forget that we serve a great and mighty God that is able to do anything BUT fail us!!!! It's true that in any battle that we face that all we would have to do is say nothing; for God will fight every battle for us, but we must keep silent!!! God doesn't need our help. The same love that saved us, is the same love that will defend and keep us!! Let God be the truth and every man a liar!! Be Blessed!!!!
The Lord is the Creator of everything; He holds all power in His hand! So many times we get tripped up with the temporary afflictions that are but for a moment and forget that we serve a great and mighty God that is able to do anything BUT fail us!!!! It's true that in any battle that we face that all we would have to do is say nothing; for God will fight every battle for us, but we must keep silent!!! God doesn't need our help. The same love that saved us, is the same love that will defend and keep us!! Let God be the truth and every man a liar!! Be Blessed!!!!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Ephesians 1:18-19
"The eyes of your understanding being enlightened;
that ye may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of
the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding
greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working
of His mighty power" ~ Ephesians 1:18-19
So many times we domesticate God by trying to limit His power by our limitations but we must understand that God's wisdom is far beyond man's ability!!! This is why we must believe and trust Him in everything and by believing in Him we are able to have and do anything with no limitations! If God be for you who could be against you!!! Be blessed!
So many times we domesticate God by trying to limit His power by our limitations but we must understand that God's wisdom is far beyond man's ability!!! This is why we must believe and trust Him in everything and by believing in Him we are able to have and do anything with no limitations! If God be for you who could be against you!!! Be blessed!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Isaiah 26:3
"You, Lord, give true peace to those who depend on you, because they
trust you." Isaiah 26:3
Realizing that only the true and living God is the only one that will never leave us, always forgivess us, always listens to us, always fills us, and wipes ALL of our tears away, is enough to place our trust in Him, for He holds eternity in His hands!!!! Seeking Him first grants you the desires in your heart . So tie a knot in your Faith in God, for He will never leave us nor forsake us!!! Glory to God!!!!
Realizing that only the true and living God is the only one that will never leave us, always forgivess us, always listens to us, always fills us, and wipes ALL of our tears away, is enough to place our trust in Him, for He holds eternity in His hands!!!! Seeking Him first grants you the desires in your heart . So tie a knot in your Faith in God, for He will never leave us nor forsake us!!! Glory to God!!!!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
1 Corinthians 3:16
"Don't you know that you are God's
temple and that Gods Spirit lives in you?" ~ I Corinthians 3:16.
We so easily forget that we belong to God. We make our own decisions and go on with life as if we won't have to answer to God, but we will! For every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord! So let's try this: before we commit to or do something, ask: Father, may I???? Be blessed!
We so easily forget that we belong to God. We make our own decisions and go on with life as if we won't have to answer to God, but we will! For every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord! So let's try this: before we commit to or do something, ask: Father, may I???? Be blessed!
Friday, February 17, 2012
Ephesians 6:7
"With good will doing
service (your job); as to the Lord, and not to men". ~ Ephesians 6:7
So many times we work our jobs like we attempt to work our salvation, but salvation is free. So should our lives on our jobs, schools, homes; and churches (full liberty). Who the Son set free is free indeed! Walk in the newness of Christ with the understanding that we serve a true and living God and no matter what the situation is, He is always with us and has made a way of escape; we just have to listen for Him by denying ourselves and relinquishing ourselves to His will and not ours!!! Hallelujah! Be blessed!
So many times we work our jobs like we attempt to work our salvation, but salvation is free. So should our lives on our jobs, schools, homes; and churches (full liberty). Who the Son set free is free indeed! Walk in the newness of Christ with the understanding that we serve a true and living God and no matter what the situation is, He is always with us and has made a way of escape; we just have to listen for Him by denying ourselves and relinquishing ourselves to His will and not ours!!! Hallelujah! Be blessed!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the
thoughts that I think toward you, saith the lord, thoughts of peace, not
of evil, to give you an expected end." ~ Jeremiah 29:11
For the Word says that we were created for His good (God's) pleasure! Nothing thats God creates is bad. Our Father has treasures laid up in heaven for us but we have to strive for his righteousness, instead of settling for temporary things!!! The plans that God has for our lives are greater than the mistakes that we have made!!!!! No matter what run to Jesus while you can; He loves us!!!!!!!
For the Word says that we were created for His good (God's) pleasure! Nothing thats God creates is bad. Our Father has treasures laid up in heaven for us but we have to strive for his righteousness, instead of settling for temporary things!!! The plans that God has for our lives are greater than the mistakes that we have made!!!!! No matter what run to Jesus while you can; He loves us!!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
1 Peter 1:13
"Therefore, get your minds ready for action, being
self-disciplined, and set your hope completely on the grace to be brought
to me (you) at the revelation of Jesus Christ." ~ 1 Peter 1:13
Allowing that first time (a.m.) with God before you face the world makes a big difference!! God's preparation for the things ahead will assure you victory over the enemy(giants)!!! Peace will settle in and the life of God will be poured out of you!!!!! Be blessed!!
Allowing that first time (a.m.) with God before you face the world makes a big difference!! God's preparation for the things ahead will assure you victory over the enemy(giants)!!! Peace will settle in and the life of God will be poured out of you!!!!! Be blessed!!
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