Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dance Like David!

I'll dance like David before the Lord!!! For my redeemer lives and shall deliver me from all my trials!!!! David didn't care who saw him dancing, for he was so caught up in the Spirit of the True and Living God. You see David knew he needed deliverance and let no one & nothing hinder his praise!!!! Some of us water down our praise and worship mostly because of what we think others will say and because we feel like we are unworthy (which is true), but Jesus paved the way for us to confess our sins (2 Chronicles 7:14) so that the Blood of the Lamb could clean us up to be in the presence of the Father like David was!!!!! Yes, I stumble and I go through but I refuse to let anything or anyone stop me from praising God, for my safety is with Him only!!!

My heart thoughts, Be blessed!